CricGlitz is owned by Bioscope TV Network Private Ltd. Your one-stop stand for all the latest news and updates in the sports industry. The team here, at CricGlitz, comprises of several young enthusiastic and aspiring writers who are skilled to quench your thirst for the recent gossip on the field as well as off the field.
Here we cover everything about cricket and cricketers. Upcoming cricket matches, playing 11 and other exclusive match features and opinions too through our well designed user friendly website. Our Awesome Team reaches far and wide and fetches out the news right from its core. We have catered to the needs of each and every one of our fellow readers. You can hook up on to the website to get your daily dose of news flashes, the strategies, and techniques deployed by the team and their managers to reach their set goals or for even something as common as glimpses from the personal life of your favorite player. You will also be able to grab on to the detailed analysis of the matches played or the future predictions of the oncoming tournaments made by experts.
We are also always open for suggestions from viewers so for those of you, who want to get in touch with us or want to work with us, reach out on any day at